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3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikeet Näppäimistö ja hiiri 3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case
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3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)
3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case (3DX-700075)

3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Pro Wireless + Carry Case

Ammattilaisten arvostelut: 1 arvostelua

3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Pro Wireless - 3D-hiiri - 15 painiketta - langaton - 2.4 GHz - USB johdoton vastaanotin
  • Tyyppi Hiiri
  • Lokalisaatio -
  • Liitettävyys Langaton
  • Liitäntä Langaton RF

The modern CAD workstation is increasingly mobile. SpaceMouse Pro Wireless offers the power, versatility and customization of SpaceMouse Pro in a format purpose-built for engineers, architects or designers on the move. With a small, high performance universal receiver, USB hub and stylish travel case, SpaceMouse Pro Wireless goes wherever you need to be.

Professional Performance At Your Fingertips
SpaceMouse Pro automatically recognizes your application environment and assigns appropriate commands to four large, soft-touch intelligent function keys, helping you work smarter, not harder.

The on-screen display provides a convenient visual reminder of the commands assigned to the intelligent function keys on your computer screen, helping maintain focus.

tModify Your Specifications, in Ergonomic Comfor
SpaceMouse Pro keyboard modifiers provide easy access to Control, Shift, Alt, Esc functions, saving time by reducing hand movement to the keyboard.

The full size, soft-coated hand rest ensures maximum comfort by positioning the hand naturally to easily grasp the 3Dconnexion controller cap.
Every one of SpaceMouse Pro’s 15 fully programmable buttons are perfectly positioned to allow effortless access to frequently used commands for more efficient, comfortable work during even the longest design sessions.

QuickView Keys: Every Angle Covered
SpaceMouse Pro’s QuickView Keys offer fingertip access to 12 views, making it easier to detect errors, explore alternatives and present your work more effectively.

The rotation toggle key disables the rotation axes, providing simultaneous pan-and-zoom navigation in work modes like sketching.

The Cornerstone of Your 3Dconnexion Experience
With deeply and fully customizable command presets and macros, supported by our simple but powerful 3DxWare 10 driver, CAD professionals can individualize SpaceMouse Pro for peak performance. Work with efficiency, comfort and confidence using SpaceMouse Pro as the centerpiece of your CAD design workflow.

Huomioi, että kuva on suuntaa-antava ja varsinainen tuote saattaa ulkoasultaan poiketa tuotekuvasta (esim. tietokoneisiin ei välttämättä sisälly näyttöä, vaikka kuvassa sellainen olisikin). Jos tuotenimikkeessä on eri tiedot kuin tuotekuvauksessa, tuotenimikkeen tieto on oikein. Jos jokin asia jää epäselväksi, lähetä sähköpostia tukeen ennen tuotteen tilaamista.

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